Every single time Matt Cubbler gets the opportunity to speak in front of a group of people – his intention is to inspire, motivate and educate. Whether it is through public speaking, leadership development programs or through his mentorship program – he take's each person on a personal journey through his life's twists and turns in an attempt to hopefully inspire and motivate them into identifying ways where they can find success and to be their very best. Along the way, he gives each person pieces of his heart as a way of letting them know that "I Got You" whenever they need him.

Matt Cubbler, CEO, Director

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About I Got You!

Public Speaking

Everyone has a story to tell, but not everyone can tell his or her own story. Matt Cubbler has always had a passion for leading and inspiring others. Cubbler has shared his message of love, loss, passion and perseverance with groups large and small – from middle school age kids to corporate executives and inspired each of them to appreciate each moment and to always find ways to succeed and to be their very best. Cubbler's innate ability to "reach" each person individually – regardless of the size of the crowd – has made him one of the most sought after public speakers in the area.


Matt Cubbler believes that every person needs a mentor – someone who they can count on for advice, to be honest with them at all times, and someone who has traveled the road they are currently on or wish to head towards. Cubbler has had many mentors in his life and he attributes most of his life's accomplishments to them and the role each played in his life. Cubbler believes that being a mentor to others is his way of helping to ensure the cycle of selflessness and caring for others doesn't end with him. Over the past 25 years, Cubbler has mentored hundreds of teens and young adults – as both a police officer and through his entrepreneurial endeavors.

Leadership Development

Matt Cubbler has always been a leader. Ever since he was a young boy, he has shown the propensity to selflessly lead and help others. Over the past 30 years, Cubbler has lived a life of service as a former U.S. Army Intelligence soldier, a current 25 year veteran in law enforcement and as a tireless entrepreneur. Cubbler has worked and trained with some of the most dynamic leaders the world has ever known. Through those experiences and his unique approach to leadership, Cubbler has created a program that helps others cultivate and sharpen the tools that they already possess in order to maximize their opportunities to be a successful leader.

About Matt Cubbler

Matt Cubbler is a devoted son, faithful husband, loving father, loyal friend, patriotic American, U.S. Army veteran, 25 year career cop, a relentless entrepreneur and a selfless servant to all of God's creations.

In The News

Bouncing Back From Failure, a Fitness Business Gets It Right

By Jason Daley | Entrepreneur magazine | August 2, 2015

Pessimists might say MaxOut Strength Systems is cursed. Optimists—including Royersford, Penn.-based Jason Griggs and Matt Cubbler, who are launching a franchise based on the unique weight machines—would argue that the third time's the charm. Despite two false starts, they believe they've got what it takes to get the fitness world pumped, and they're ready to put their money where their muscle is with MaxOut Strength Studio.

Trainers in Royersford lift up more than weights with mentorship program

By Michilea Patterson | The Times Herald | March 11, 2015

On the outside, Maxout Strength Studio looks like any other fitness facility, but students who walk through the doors become stronger — both physically and mentally.

At the end of last year, the studio officially launched the Leadership and Mentorship Program (LAMP) which is designed to help teens and young adults strengthen their mind, body and soul.

Pa. Cop Delivers Baby

By Vince Lattanzio | NBC10 Phildelphia | Dec 6, 2012

Collegeville Police Officer Matt Cubbler helped deliver a woman's baby in the parking lot of a TD Bank. NBC10's Vince Lattanzio shares the incredible story.

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  3. Matt Cubbler reflecting on the importance of the July 4th holiday
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